sports americain

Ancien utilisateur
Ancien utilisateur

allo my Gigolo ,
In fact, the trees, towering over countles wide spaces, are decked out in hue of red, yellow and orange. Laurentian and Appalachian mountain show off their prettiest shades, with those regions that boast a heavy concentration of maples becoming especially spectacular. You'll observe the most strikin colours .

hundreds of thousands of geese arrive on the sand banks of the St. Lawrence River. Flying in from the Great North, they make a brief stopover before taking off for their wintering grounds along the coasts.

Ancien utilisateur
Ancien utilisateur

Dear Vicktoria,
You should do an herbarium, with the mapple leaves...
And a pillow with the geese feathers... They have probably let feathers on the sand...

Ancien utilisateur
Ancien utilisateur

Dear twou le monde,

One agains bow briiings treawn browlin' gadow free browling drindrin!
Wasling truslin' gos bows bren die go!!!
dGeolrge Bush is gwen do bowrl chling in canoe cayak with Arafatal.


Ancien utilisateur
Ancien utilisateur

Anthony chéry

Ca va?

Tu te sens pas trop "alone"

Si? Mais comme je te comprends!

Ancien utilisateur
Ancien utilisateur

Ppffffff!......Mazala , si tu savais comme c'est dur!!!
Moi pas comprendre beaucoup langage à eux!

Mais eux très fort!....Je m'incline!(pas trop quand même)


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